$BRW Tokenomics

Token Name: Bitrock Wallet Token Token Symbol: BRW

Token Decimal: 18 Token Contract Address: 0xa7c9bB7A6Fd13dCa85e9df12b4F91DC8bede225e

Token deployed Main Network: Bitrock Blockchain

Token Maximum Total Supply: 10,000,000

Trade BRW Token : Listed on RockSwap


  1. New User Acquisition 25% of Supply (2,500,000 BRW)

  • The New User Acquisition BRW Tokens will have a vesting period of 6 months.

  1. Presale Event 30% of supply (3,000,000 BRW)

  • The Presale Event BRW Tokens 50% will be distributed on listing day and 50% distributed after 1 week.

  1. DEX & CEX Listing 25% of supply (2,500,000 BRW)

  • The DEX $ CEX Listing BRW Tokens will have no vesting period.

  1. Bitrock Wallet Treasury 20% of supply (2,000,000 BRW)

  • The Bitrock Wallet Treasury Tokens will have a lock up of 6 month and vesting period of 24 months

Last updated